Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Incredible Place that is Cuba - 868 Words

Cuba, Cuba, Cuba! Ranging from grassy plains to gentle hills, from steep mountainsides to calm waters of the beach, Cuba is truly one of the most fascinating places in the world. From the capital city of Havana, to the less populated areas like Guisa, Cuba is highly regarded as a shockingly beautiful location. However, behind all of the beauty, there is a world of history and culture. In fact, located in the Caribbean, Cuba provides an incredible blend of rich history, interesting geography, and unique culture. Geography Located just over 90 miles from the tip of Florida (Nation Facts), Cuba is home to a wide range of interesting geography. Cuba is bordered by only the North Atlantic Ocean to the north, and the Caribbean Sea to†¦show more content†¦This 99.8% literacy rate also leads perfectly into a literature-filled Cuban culture. One of the most famous authors in the country, Leonardo Padura was the 2012 winner of Cuba’s national prize for literature. (World Literature Today) Recently, â€Å"World Literature Today† interviewed Leonardo Padura about his books and what they meant to him and others. When asked about what he thinks his novels remember or bring up, Padura gives the answer â€Å"I believe my novels, at the very least, reflect a lot of things that have been forgotten but that I haven’t wanted to forget.† (World Literature Today). Padura’s first US publication will be The Man Who Loved Dogs (World Literature Today). It was not just Cuban write rs that have made a name for themselves in Cuba, though. Ernest Hemingway spent a lot of his time in Cuba, and even wrote a book called From Whom the Bell Tells while there (Nation Facts). On a different note, the only legally bought cars in cub were those from before 1959 (Nation Facts). This goes to show that time has played crucial role in Cuban history and culture. However, while many of these things can explain culture, there is perhaps no better indicator of culture than a country’s main imports and exports. Cuba’s main imports are petroleum, food, machinery, equipment, and chemicals (Central Intelligence Agency). Some of the chief exports of Cuba are petroleum, nickel, medical products, sugar, tobacco, fish, citrus,Show MoreRelatedFidel Castro Led The Cuban Revolution934 Words   |  4 Pagesago, an embargo was placed on Cuba, halting all trade between the two countries. Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution, which began in July of 1953, leading to their victor y and the previous leader, Fulgencio Batista, being driven out of his position. Castro had gained a lot of support from Cuban citizens with his promises to restore political and civil liberties. 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